Healthy and Active Children Strategy

Closed 30 Jun 2017

Opened 1 Jun 2016

Feedback updated 3 Oct 2016

We asked

We asked you for your thoughts and comments on the proposed Healthy and Active Children Strategy for Arlen Hill.

You said

We received nearly 500 responses from a broad range of service users, stakeholders and private citizens.

The main points of feedback were:

  1. The questions in this consultation could have been better structured to elecit the kind of feedback that you felt was necessary.
  2. Staff may find it difficult to work with a broad age range of children. You felt developmental specialists would be preferable.
  3. Schedule in some weekend and evening clinics to support those parents working full time.

We did

  1. Following the consultation we ran a facilitated focus group and invited those participants who said they wanted to say more to ensure they were represented in the service specification.
  2. We clarified that we would not expect all Healthy Child Programme staff to be working across the whole age range as a matter our course, and that each member of staff would work across the age group most suited to their skills.
  3. We have included in the service specification that the provider should provide services available at locations and times that suit the service user.


This is an example consultation for demonstration purposes only. This site is operated by Delib Ltd and submitted responses will be discarded.

The Healthy Child Programme is the main universal health service for improving the health and wellbeing of children and young people through health and development reviews, health promotion and parenting support.

In Arlen Hill, the 0-19 Healthy Child Programme is a public health programme provided by professionals through the following services:

0-5 Healthy Child Programme
Health Visiting Service - Children aged 0-5 years and their families
Family Nurse Partnership Service - a home visiting service for some teenagers pregnant with their first child

5-19 Healthy Child Programme
School Aged Nursing Service - children aged 5-19 years and their families

These services offer ALL children, young people and their families a programme of developmental checks, information and guidance to support parenting and healthy choices.


Why your views matter

We want to find out what you think of a new way of delivering one integrated 0-19 Healthy Child Programme, which will provide a better, more joined up way of delivering these essential services.

You have already told us what you think about some aspects of the provision of these services in Arlen Hill, through facilitated focus groups, questionnaire completion and soft market testing.  For example, you said that you wanted more clarity on who your child's Public Health Nurse is and how to contact them. We have included this in the new proposal.

The new model for the Healthy Child Programme will not only improve coordination across health visiting, school nursing and support for vulnerable families but also integrate the delivery of other services within it i.e. breastfeeding peer support service, oral health promotion resources, healthy schools, heathy tots.

The key benefits of the proposed new model of delivering the Healthy Child Programme in Arlen Hill are:
  • that Public Health Nurses will work across the current age boundaries and provide a single point of contact for families
  • to create more opportunities for all children, young people and their families to access a Public Health Nurse
  • to ensure consistent delivery of the healthy child programme into special schools
  • to re-establish the healthy schools programme
  • to establish a healthy tots programme for early years settings



  • Ashley
  • Clifton


  • Young People
  • Parents/Carers


  • Health
  • Schools